Sustainable development

Forms and contacts

Corporate Communications Sector constantly receives donations and sponsorships requests during the whole year.

A request must be sent at least 30 days before the date of the event or the beginning of the project for which donation or sponsorship is needed, only through the online application form found on this page. If possible, please also attach relevant documents when submitting the form (optional). Only requests received via the electronic form will be processed.

Kindly submit your requests through the application form. If you are not able to submit the request through the form, you can send it to the following address:

INA, d.d.
Corporate Communications Sector
Avenija V. Holjevca 10
10020 Zagreb, Croatia
Specifying „Donations and sponsorships“

For any further information please contact us at the phone number:  01 6450 711 on working days from 8 AM to 12 PM.

INA’s Corporate Communications Sector will contact you  with further instructions for the process of granting the donation or sponsorship if:

  • you filed the request on the required form
  • the request is sent on time (at least 30 days) before the date of the event or the beginning of the project for which donation or sponsorship is needed
  • the request is in accordance with INA’s socially responsible business conduct guidelines

We take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your trust and interest in our company and wish you success in your future work!

Privacy Policy

The request should be accompanied with:

  • A short description of the project/program:
    • description of experiences, accomplishments and the organization’s ability to complete the enclosed project
    • aims to be achieved by implementing the enclosed project
    • work plan
    • expected results
    • description of the evaluation methods for the project results
  • A copy of the Association Registration Resolution
  • Copies of certified financial reports on the association’s business in the previous year.
  • Project budget application form
  • Recommendations, decisions on the co-financing of the project, or a letter of intent for the co-financing of the program
  • Materials, publications, newspaper articles and other documentation exemplifying the organization’s work


Request to be sent to Sponsorships

Request to be sent to