INA and sustainability
Sustainable development is considered one of the fundamental principles of INA’s business and represents our continuous commitment to the balanced integration of economic, environmental and social factors in daily operations with the aim to increase the common values as well as recognize, prevent and avoid possible negative impacts.
Our long-term business success is possible only in the conditions of socially responsible business, health protection, safety of our workers and care for the environment in which we work and live in.
As a signatory of the UN Global Compact (United Nations initiative for the introduction of corporate social responsibility), INA, d.d. committed itself to promoting and supporting the 10 principles of the Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment protection and anti-corruption.
Membership of INA, d.d. the institutions in of the private sector (Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development – CBCSD, Croatian Chamber of Economy – CCE, the Croatian Employers’ Association – CEA) allows the exchange of good practices and experiences with other participants of the business sector, as well as the common commitment to social responsibility and economic growth.
INA is also a signatory of the Diversity Charter. The signatories of the initiative are committed to implementing a diversity and non-discrimination policy in their work and business environments. Croatia is the 19th EU country in which the Charter has been adopted with CBCSD as the project holder.
Sustainable development activities and projects are an integral part of INA Group’s business plan, and they refer to the six defined key areas of sustainable development. These are:
Climate change and Environmental Protection
Aware of the impact of climate change on a global level, we undertake and plan a full range of projects and activities related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increasing of energy efficiency.
In terms of environmental protection, health and safety, particular attention is paid to workplace safety, environmental protection improvements, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, rational use of energy and favoring of the suppliers who abide by the same principles.
Workplace health and safety
The oil industry requires a high level occupational health and safety (OHS), therefore INA established a comprehensive OHS management system, and special attention is paid to ensuring the work safely and reducing the risks associated with daily activities, health improvement, continuing education, training, information and active involvement of employees in the improvement of OHS.
Community relations and Human Resources
INA is a company with fifty years long tradition of good cooperation with the communities in which it operates. We want to be the partner of choice that supports the development and actively participates in community life.
INA’s success is based on an educated, creative and innovative staff. Knowing that people are an inexhaustible resource and capital of development determines our business behavior, organizational and management structure and all organizational processes.
Integrity and transparency
Code of Ethics of INA Group determines the basic values and principles of behavior of management and employees of INA Group in terms of their attitude towards work, associates and business partners and the public, as well as liabilities of INA Group in ensuring adequate working conditions and professional development of workers and avoidance of unacceptable behavior. INA has accepted and is committed to promoting in its business the 10 Global Compact principles on human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
The management of the company is based on the principles of quality and excellence, and business framework on the application of the sustainable development principles in daily operations, including economic, social and environmental aspects. Early in the year 2000 the company management adopted a new philosophy of management that was the basis for developing an integrated business management system (Learn more).