The second car in INA’s WRC prize draw has been awarded!

Zagreb, 12 May 2022 – Danijel Zagorec from Vidovec is the winner of a Suzuki S-Cross personal car – the last monthly prize in INA’s raffle.

The keys to the valuable car were handed to the lucky winner by INA’s ambassador and famous rally driver Juraj Šebalj at INA’s retail location in Zagreb-Resnik, and Danijel could not hide his enthusiasm: “Thank you to INA for the award, I still can’t believe that I was the lucky one! In this raffle, it was necessary to fill with Class Plus fuel, which I normally always fill when I stop at INA, and now it has brought me a new car.” Juraj filled the lucky winner with the first tank of high-quality Class Plus fuel, and with fine coffee from Fresh Corner shared with him some useful driving tips.

The lucky winner was also congratulated by Zdravka Demeter Bubalo, Operating Director of Consumer services & Retail, who emphasized: “We always reward the loyalty of our customers, not only through the INA Loyalty program, but also through these kinds of prize games. We want them to have a pleasant stay at our retail location and to be able to do everything they need in one place with the highest quality products and service. Congratulations to the lucky winner!”

INA’s prize game “Osvajaj nagrade na svakoj etapi” was a warm-up for the recently held WRC Croatia Rally 2022, which INA proudly supported for the second year in a row, and which returned to Croatian roads this year and gathered a record number of octane enthusiasts. The prize game lasted at INA’s retail locations from 28 February to 1 May, and more than 85,000 customers registered. In addition to two Suzuki S-Cross cars, a total of 34 weekly prizes were distributed – the Juha Kankkunen Driving Academy driving school, rally taxi rides with professional rally drivers and a tour of the WRC race service park in Croatia, commemorative WRC fan souvenirs and 15 INA value cards worth HRK 1000 or HRK 2000. You can find more information about the prize draw and other winners at the link.

INA thanks all customers who participated in this raffle! Continue to travel carefree with the pure power of INA Class Plus fuels!

About INA Group

INA Group plays a leading role in oil business in Croatia and a significant role in the region in the exploration and production of oil and gas, oil refining and distribution of oil and oil derivatives. INA Group consists of several subsidiaries wholly or partially owned by INA, d.d. The headquarters of the Group is located in Zagreb, Croatia. In the field of exploration and production of oil and gas, INA today operates, apart from Croatia, in Angola and Egypt. Oil processing takes place at the Rijeka Refinery, while sustainable alternative activities are developed at the industrial site in Sisak. The regional retail network consists of more than 500 retail outlets in Croatia and neighboring countries. INA Group is a member of MOL Group.


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