- • INA’s high school competition attracted almost 1000 students from 57 towns
• Five three-member teams fought for victory in the competition finaleZagreb, 30 January 2014 – The live finale of the high school competition Junior Freshhh was held today at INA, with five three-member teams fighting for victory by resolving challenging tasks in the area of natural sciences. INA first initiated this competition in November last year, and after the application and registration phase, 294 teams competed in December last year to enter the finale, by resolving weekly tasks in maths, physics, chemistry, biology and geography.
When greeting the finalists, Mrs. Vladimira Senčar Perkov, the Director of the Human Resources Sector at INA, stated the following: “It was not an easy task to reach the finals, especially taking into account the fact that you fought 289 other teams. I believe that this is a clear witness to the qualities and knowledge you have acquired so far in your high school education. This success should therefore serve as encouragement and motivation for your future work and assertion, whether in education or in the field you choose as your professional orientation.”
The live finale consisted of two parts; in the first part the contestants had to present to the expert committee the solution of the task previously given to them as homework, while in the second part they solved the final task before the expert committee. According to the evaluations obtained, the first place was awarded to the team “Gjimeri” of the Gymnasium Fran Galović in Koprivnica, the second place was awarded to the team “Kukuruz” of the Gymnasium Josip Slavenski in Cakovec, while the team “IMI” of the dr. Ivan Kranjčev Gymnasium from Đurđevac won the third place. The winning team contestants won valuable awards; iPad Air for first place, Kindle Paperwhite 2 for second place and on-line studying package for the third place, as well as an expert visit to the INA plants for all the awarded contestants. A special award, a 3D printer, was also awarded to the school with the most teams participating in the competition; the Požega Gymnasium.
About INA Group
INA Group has the lead role in oil business in Croatia and plays a major part in oil and gas exploration, oil refining and distribution of oil and oil derivatives in the region. INA Group is made of a number of affiliates fully or partially owned by INA, d.d. The Group is seated in Zagreb, Croatia. Apart from Croatia, INA today has upstream projects in Angola and Egypt. Oil refining is done in INA’s refineries in Rijeka and Sisak, while its retail network consists of 454 petrol stations in Croatia and the region.PR
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