- Following the shutdown caused by the fire, Rijeka Refinery to launch back the production
- The investigation confirmed the cause of the fire, damage assessment carried out
- Improvement measures adopted
Zagreb, 28 August 2014- Following the fire that affected the Atmospheric Distillation Unit and the subsequent shutdown, Rijeka Refinery will launch back production early September. The investigation findings confirmed the fire was caused by the leakage of the atmospheric residue from one of the caps on the pump housing, after which the spontaneous combustion of the atmospheric residue occurred. The cap was loosed due to thread damage, which was most likely caused by the corrosion. Part of the routine maintenance of the pump carried out in August recorded no deviations on the equipment that could potentially indicate any incident. Damage caused by the fire is estimated to HRK 750,000.
According to the Inspectorate for the environment protection’s analysis, which was carried out on August 18, it was stated there was no exceeding of any limit within measured parameters. A slight contamination of the soil surrounding the units affected by fire occurred as the consequence of the fire. The soil has been collected and disposed of by an authorized waste collection company, of which the Inspectorate for the environment protection has been informed. Considering how each process incident is analyzed with the aim of enhancing the system and the safety, Rijeka Refinery has adopted improvement measures such as further enhancement of corrosion protection, improvement of the testing program on pumps, and further enhancement of cooperation with the Public Fire Department of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.
The fire that broke out at 22:15 pm was extinguished as soon as possible thanks to the timely intervention of INA’s fire brigades with the support of the Fire Department of the City of Rijeka. The incident did not in any way jeopardize the supply of market with INA’s fuels.
About INA Group
INA Group has the lead role in oil business in Croatia and plays a major part in oil and gas exploration, oil refining and distribution of oil and oil derivatives in the region. INA Group is made of a number of affiliates fully or partially owned by INA, d.d. The Group is seated in Zagreb, Croatia. Apart from Croatia, INA today has upstream projects in Angola and Egypt. Oil refining is done in INA’s refineries in Rijeka and Sisak, while its retail network consists of 449 petrol stations in Croatia and the region.PR
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