INA’s General Assembly held today

Zagreb, 14 June 2024 – At the General Assembly of INA held today, the annual consolidated and non-consolidated financial report with the independent auditor’s report for 2023, the report on the status of the Company and INA Group in 2023 and the report of the Supervisory Board on the supervision performed in 2023 were presented to the shareholders.

INA, d.d. in 2023 achieved a net profit in the amount of EUR 224,014,076.81. Part of the net profit in the amount of EUR 11,200,703.84 will be distributed to legal reserves. The dividend will be paid in the amount of EUR 240 million, which is EUR 24 per share. The dividend will be paid from part of the company’s net profit from 2023 in the amount of EUR 212,813,372.97 and from the retained profit from 2022 in the amount of EUR 27,186,627.03. All shareholders who are registered in the depository of the Central Clearing Depository Company on 19 June 2024 acquire the right to dividend payment until 12 July 2024. 

At the proposal of the shareholder the Republic of Croatia, the mandates of Supervisory Board members Damir Mikuljan, Branimir Škurla and Ivo Ivančić were extended for the next six months.

About INA Group

INA Group plays a leading role in oil operations in Croatia and an important role in the region in oil and gas exploration and production, oil refining and distribution of oil and petroleum products. The company comprises several subsidiaries fully or partial owned by INA, d.d. The Group’s seat is in Zagreb, Croatia. INA has upstream operations in Croatia and Egypt. Oil refining takes place at the Rijeka Oil Refinery, while sustainable alternative businesses are being developed at the Sisak industrial site. INA’s regional retail network consists of more than 500 retail outlets in Croatia and neighbouring countries. INA Group is a member of MOL Group.


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