INA and Croatian Culture Club gave the INA’s award for promotion of Croatian culture worldwide for 2009

In INA’s headquarters the award giving ceremony of 16th INA’ s award for promotion of Croatian culture worldwide for 2009 was held. The commission for the award giving has chosen prof. Leopold Auburger from Germany and Artur Rafaelovič Bagdasarov from Russia.

These two distinguished linguists, slavistes and croatists received the award because of their persistent and systematical study of Croatian language and its history and because the have given significant contribution with their work, not only to the foreign, but also to the Croatists in Croatia. Numerous works of these authors in German and Russian language, in which they have actualized the importance of Croatian language, are the best way to promote Croatian culture in Europe and worldwide.

The award to the winners was handed by Zoltán Áldott, president of the Management Board of INA, who pointed out: „ I am especially glad that INA as a leading Croatian company and a traditional supporter of Croatian culture can support such a cultural project which contributes to mutual cultural connections and cooperation between the countries and their people”

INA and the Croatian Culture Club have established the INA Award for Promotion of Croatian Culture Worldwide in 1994. The purpose of this award is to give recognition to authors, cultural workers and institutions for promoting Croatian culture worldwide and informing world public of the spiritual development of Croatian people, as well as for creating and fostering cultural bonds between Croatia and the world.

From its establishment, the Award was received by different distinguished cultural workers and institutions from various European countries such as France, Spain, Poland, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia which is the best evidence of recognition and importance of INA’s Award for promotion of Croatian Culture worldwide. The award includes appreciation, monography, sculpture of the Award, work of academic sculptor Petar Barišić and cash bonus of HRK 50,000.Documents