About INA

E&P Project Management & Permitting


  • Preparing pre-investment and investment studies, preparing documentation for stage gate approval of exploration/field development/production projects.
  • Management and supervision of all phases of the project, from approval through stage gate processes to implementation and commissioning and coordination of internal and external team members.
  • Financial monitoring of the execution of project obligations in accordance with legal norms and regulations.


  • Obtaining all permits / approvals / decisions / consents / certificates / concessions necessary for E&P and developing spatial plans with relevant institutions, issuing consents, special conditions and other documents related to E&P facilities.
  • Resolving problems and compensating damage caused by E&P activities in cooperation with local community, legal and natural persons, coordinating resolving property relations on land plots where petroleum facilities and installations are situated.
  • Preparing geodetic studies for obtaining concessions and special geodetic maps necessary for designing, resolving property relations on the exploitation field and all other types of geodetic studies related to E&P facilities.